Edward Jones Rally In The Valley Pickleball Tournament “One for the Books”

The Edward Jones Rally In The Valley (our 8th Annual Rally) was held August 6-8, 2021 at our NEW Albany/LBCC Pickleball Courts.

2021 Edwards Jones Rally In The Valley – Full Courts!

What a fabulous weekend – brand new pickleball courts, great weather, but connecting (and reconnecting) with pickleball players was the best!

Thank you for playing in, volunteering and supporting the Edward Jones Rally In The Valley and supporting the Albany Pickleball Club.

Our new courts opened officially less than a week prior to the tournament. What a relief!!!

Catch all of our action and medal pics!!!
Edward Jones Rally In The Valley pics in Dropbox. You can view and download pics.
Thanks for the medal pics Florence!!!

See the Action Shots from Derrick and Julie Cox Photography!!! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.866103347643759…+4

Edward Jones Rally In The Valley Results. (Click on “Show Results”)

Huge thank you to our many tournament sponsors. Please patronize these business any chance you get as they were huge supporters of our tournament.
Edward Jones of Albany (Title Sponsor),
Moda Health (Gold Sponsor),
Selkirk Sports (Silver Sponsor),

Court Sponsors:
Xtreme Graphics,
Deluxe Brewing,
Mike’s Heating & Air,
Cedarwood Dental,
Gamma Sports,
Caldwell Banker Valley Brokers (Milton Broyles/Kent Hayworth),
Paddletek Pickleball Paddles,
Franklin Sports, and
Jigsaw Health

Home Depot,
Fred Meyers,
Winco Foods,
Game Time Sports Bar & Grill, and
Southpaws Perfect Pizza and Sports Pub

We were pleased to have “Stick A Pork In It\” Food Truck, and Lakeshore Lanes provide food over the weekend.

Without these sponsors this tournament would not have taken place.

We were thrilled to give out gift cards, paddles, pickleball gear, ….  and congratulations to our many raffle winners.

You probably saw them out there during the tournament making everything in the facility work on the courts, around the courts and in the tents. What you didn’t see was all the hours they put in prior to the tournament. These are the unheralded folks that are our heroes!

Tournament Director:
We were glad to have Kathy Rambousek from Pickleball Is Great as our tournament director. She kept play on time, and superbly organized. I don’t know what we would have done without her!
Contact Info: Kathy Rambousek (360-727-1476 / [email protected])

Please visit our Albany Pickleball Facebook Page.

NEW DATE for 2022 – Please mark your calendars! Please look for us next year on August 26, 27 & 28, 2022. We are changing our dates to correspond with the Albany Art & Air Festival so players and spectators will have even more available to them at this popular annual event after play ends each day.

New Albany/LBCC Pickleball Courts Open for Play


New Albany/LBCC Courts July, 2021

The Albany Pickleball Club HAS paid to reserve courts 1-6 for club play. We provide liability insurance for the City and LBCC and also secondary injury insurance  for club members during club activities. Non-members are always welcome with a $3 drop-in fee. We have loaner paddles and will be glad to help anyone get started.  

Club reserved play times through the City of Albany and LBCC are:–  

  • Mon/Wed/Fri – 9 AM to 12 PM,
  • Tues/Thurs afternoons – Noon to 3PM ,
  • Friday Evenings – 5-8 PM, Advanced play
  • Sunday – 2 to 5 PM 
  • Our new storage shed is up and being used.

Stay tuned for a work party to paint and seal. 

Please use the player rotation system to provide fair play times during reserved play.  The club will be emailing more information out to our mailing list. 

Playtime Scheduler (www.playtimescheduler.com) has become the scheduler (but not a reservation system!) of choice for most folks over the winter. We have entered our reserve play times on the scheduler to help avoid double scheduling. Playtime Scheduler continues to be a good tool for people wanting to schedule play outside of reserved club play times. 

Become a Member Today! 
The preferred method to make your dues payment (or donate funds) to our club is with our secure link: albany-pickleball-club.square.site. You can make a payment with your credit card.  
Dues are $20 for the 2020/2021 fiscal year ending September 30, 2021.
Dues are $30 for the 2021/2022 fiscal year beginning October 1, 2021.

The dues, as well as Rally In The Valley tournament proceeds go towards adding amenities to our courts and promoting pickleball for everyone in the area. Examples are the storage shed at the new courts, a pathway around the courts, shade structure, bleachers, training and clinics. Please take this opportunity to contact Cheryl or Pam or another board member and join the club.  Email: [email protected]